
Stepping Stones: A Momentary Blog Pause

Hello, dear readers! You might have noticed a slight pause in my weekly blog posts, and I wanted to take a moment to share why.

Recently, I accepted an exciting new job opportunity in Trendyol’s Cyber Security team and am currently in the process of onboarding and immersing myself in learning all about my new company. As a result, I’ve needed to momentarily step away from my regular posts.

However, once this adjustment period is over and I’ve settled into my new role, I’ll be back to sharing my posts with you.

Exciting updates lie ahead in my upcoming blog posts! We’ll be exploring fascinating topics such as:

  • Bypassing School Site Restrictions (Title TBD)
  • Three Random Password / Passphrase
  • Chinese Update Part 3 and 4
  • Post Explain New Phishing Types to Watchout For
  • Final Part of OSINT Post - Chronolocaiton
  • More Explanation for Cybersecurity (Capability) Maturity Model
  • And MORE!!!
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