
Beyond Hype: Exploring the Ethical Realities of AI a Curated List

In today’s era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence stands at the forefront, offering solutions and raising ethical concerns simultaneously. As AI becomes deeply embedded in our daily lives, understanding its ethical implications becomes paramount.

Here, I’ve curated a collection of recommended resources that delve into the ethical landscapes of AI, shedding light on its moral dilemmas and ethical considerations.

This post will be alive, I plan to update it as I read interesting an insightful Books, Articles Research papers etc.

Note: I will not get in to the details of these literatures, this is just a curated list of stuff I read and plan to read.

Understanding AI Ethics

Autonomous Weapon Systems

Image Autonomous Weapon Systems

Interesting Sites - Must Check

AI Incident Database

“The AI Incident Database is dedicated to indexing the collective history of harms or near harms realized in the real world by the deployment of artificial intelligence systems.”

AI Incident Database

Moral Machine

“Moral Machine is an online platform, developed by MIT, that generates moral dilemmas and collects information on the decisions that people make between two destructive outcomes. The presented scenarios are often variations of the trolley problem, and the information collected would be used for further research regarding the decisions that machine intelligence must make in the future.”

Moral Machine

Image Scenario to Judge

Stop Killer Robots

“With growing digital dehumanisation, the Stop Killer Robots coalition works to ensure human control in the use of force. Our campaign calls for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems.”


Other Sites

Autonomous Vehicles

Research Paper

Short Read and News

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